Hello there, I hope you’re having a lovely June. It’s been a beautiful sunny day here in Sussex and I have been lucky to be able to spend the day…
Hello there, I hope you’re having a lovely June. It’s been a beautiful sunny day here in Sussex and I have been lucky to be able to spend the day…
Hello, good evening, It’s not Sunday, it’s Tuesday, I’m a day or two behind and also a month or two late, oops, I am telling myself ‘it’s better late than…
Hello, good day to you, I am happy to report that I have moved out of hibernation mode and have slowly started making again. Mind you, it’s been rather chilly here…
Hello there, Happiest of New Year to you. I seem to have forgotten to do a post in December, it all went so fast that before I knew it Christmas…
Hello everyone, I can’t believe it’s October already, time keeps on flying! In September the sheep I made for Sussex Wildlife Trust were auctioned off at their annual Wilderness Wonder…
Hello, I seem to have lost a Sunday somewhere as I had planned to do my ‘Sunday Studio’ post on the first Sunday of each month, never mind eh. The…
Hello, I can’t believe that it is August already, it feels to me like it should be about May, the year is going way too fast. Usually by now I…
Yoohoo, Hello there, I hope you are enjoying the summer (or other season depending where in the world you are). I am happy to say that Mervin has found a…
Hello and Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad’s out there. It’s a super hot day and the kiln is on, so I’ll have some photo’s to share soon. This…
Hello there, Now that the Brighton Open Houses have finished I have started making for my next fair that will probably be around September time. This week I have been…
Happy Bank Holiday. This week I opened the kiln to ‘Trout pout Eric’. Eric always has fish on his mind and likes living by the seaside. I delivered Eric to…
Good evening, what a lovely sunny day it has been today, far too warm to be inside with my clay. This week I went to collect my creations from the…
Happy Sunday, This week I spent a day helping out at The Trojan House . We had lots of friendly visitors admiring all the wonderful work on show. I have been…
Hello, I hope you have had a good week. I took time off from my job this week and treated myself to a 5 day handbuilding animals and people in…
I have finished my winter hibernation from clay and am back in the garden studio. It’s still a little bit chilly for me but as May and Brighton Open Houses…
I am excited to announce my upcoming fairs, markets and events leading up to Christmas. I hope to see some of you there. 12 & 13th of November 2016 Michelham Priory…
I am excited that the Christmas season is fast approaching as I really enjoy taking part in Christmas fairs. I have been busy behind the scenes making all things Lubilou…
Very excited about my first fair of 2015 which is also my first ever three day event. Whoop Woo! This event is organised by the fabulous Jo and Stephanie of…