Photo by Honeycomb Imaging
2015 Events
6th 7th & 8th February
Appleducks Royal Victoria Place, Tunbridge Wells
11th April til 31th May 2015 – Fri, Sat & Sun
Brighton Fishing Quarter Gallery, Kingsroad Arches, Brighton Seafront
2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 16th, 17th, 23rd & 24th May
Brighton Artists Open Houses
Brighton ArtForty7, 47 Sutherland road, BN2 0EQ
The Cicada House, 30 Stanmer Villas, BN1 7HP
The Trojan House, 26 Maldon road, BN1 5BE
14th June 2015
Penshurst Village Fete, Penshurst Place
2014 Events
22nd March
We Made This, 23 Cliffe High Street, Lewes
28th & 29th March
Apple Ducks Craft Fair, Royal Victoria Place, Tunbridge Wells
12th April
The Fairy Tale Fair, Patcham Methodist Church, Brighton
26th April
Apple Ducks Handmade with Love, Drill Hall, Denne road, Horsham
3rd & 4th, 10th & 11th, 17th & 18th, 24th & 25th May
Brighton Open Houses, Milton House, Park View Terrace, Brighton
6th June – 20th July, Thursdays – Sundays
Makers Boutique, Brighton Fishing Quarter Gallery
4th October
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
1st November
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
15th November
The Fairytale Fair, Patcham Methodist Church, Brighton
22nd November
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
5th December
Little Chelsea Little Christmas Market, Underground Theatre, Eastbourne
6th December
Artists and Makers Lewes, Lewes Town Hall
29th & 30th November, 6th, 7th, 13th & 14th December
Artists Open Houses
ArtForty7, venue 33
The Cicada House, venue 47
The Bridge, venue 51 (13th & 14th December only)
2013 Events
2nd March
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
9th March
The Fairy Tale Fair, Patcham Methodist Church, Brighton
27th March – 13th May
Makers Boutique Exhibition, Brighton Fishing Quarter
30th May – 5th August
Makers Boutique Exhibition, Brighton Fishing Quarter
6th July
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
10th August
The Fairy Tale Fair, Patcham Methodist Church, Brighton
7th September
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
2nd November
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
16th November
Handmade with Love @ Trinity Tunbridge Wells
7th December
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church
14th December
Jessie Jumbles Marvellous Christmas Market Billingshurst
21st December
Makers Boutique, Brighton Unitarian Church